A Surrendered Life – January Camp 2024

This is the 6th camp edition at Tendo Bible Camp just amazing at what God has done. 150 from Monday to 320 by Saturday the last day of camp. We had it all from siblings carrying their littles siblings to teenage mothers and parents dropping off their little ones. These campers were all amazing and very energetic. One of our young men who used to live in the area, but his family relocated, walked 3 hours one-way, every day to come!

Games, soccer and volleyball. Singing new songs to the Lord and learning from the Bible everyday. Stories kept us on the our seats learning about a surrendered ife from Eli, Samuel, King David, King Saul, the cross and eternal life. We praise the Lord for keeping all the campers healthy and safe, we only had one case of Malaria. Emma, came to camp not feeling well. He had spent the night before at an overnight at his church, where he had already not been feeling well. His pastor told him he would be fine and that he would anoint him with oil. But when he came to camp in the morning, he was in bad shape, Denny ended up taking him to the hospital with server Malaria.  The hospital was a local government hospital so he had to go around looking for medical supplies – syringes, gloves, medication, etc, Imagine going to a hospital – yet you still have go find your own treatment. But we praise the Lord, Emma made a quick recovery and was discharged on Sunday.

One of our big challenges in the ministry is most of the local churches and pastors in the community are apart of the health, wealth and prosperity gospel movement. They do not teach a true gospel, but they use the young people and brainwash them to do whatever benefits them, mostly to make money or have a following. Please pray with us that we will stand firm in teaching Biblical doctrine and for the young people to see the truth as they are studying God’s Word. Also, pray for a Bible-Believing, Biblically-sound church to be planted in the area, where we can send the young people, knowing they won’t be wasted by false teaching.

We praise the Lord for the 13 campers who gave their life to Christ, we give God all the glory because this is what it means for all involved in serving! Again we are thankful for Dustin, Layne, Maci, Alexis and Sadie for joining us for the this week. They did an amazing job ministering to the kids with big love, compassion, with great smiles and big hearts for the kids and energy! They brough the heat and boosted the campers at Tendo Bible Camp. The Ugandan team – Derrick, Becky (Music), Isa, Geoff, Jacky, Jackie, Irene, Pr Dan, Duncan, Charity, Roger, Mary, Ivan and Okama, all made it look effortlessly easy, they are the best team to have and work with. We thank the Lord for allowing us to serve along side of them.

We are also so very thankful for everyone who has partnered with us in making this a success every year and every camp so far! Your faithfulness in praying and your generosity in giving of your finances are the reason we are able to do what we do at Tendo Bible Camp in reaching the youth for Christ. Thank You! Our next Bible Camps this year will be in May and August.