Medical Missions & Youth Camp


We have a busy but exciting month ahead of us, as we have two weeks of outreaches planned for the community. Over the last month, we have been moving up and down getting things prepared. We are pumped to see all that the Lord does over the next few weeks for His kingdom and for these communities!

Medical Camp

Our goal is to tell the community about Christ. Many of the people in these communities live in extreme poverty and can’t afford to go to the hospital or visit a local clinic, so they will often go without treatment for simple things, such as colds, or cuts – but with the poor conditions and poor access to clean water, minor illnesses and cuts can often turn into more serious conditions. One of the ways that we can connect with the community and open doors to share the Gospel is by meeting their physical needs. We see that even in Jesus’ earthly ministry, when He and his disciples went from villages to villages preaching the Kingdom of God, they would heal the people, or he would feed them and then share His message with them.

Our first outreach this month is a medical camp. We have invited the community and 4 other villages for a free medical checkup. Over 1000+ people are expected to turn up. And everyone who does come will personally hear the Good News of the Gospel.

A team of 9, including two doctors, are coming from the USA to work along side of a local doctor and his nurses to treat the patients. The others on the team and a few local churches and their pastors, will be assisting with sharing the Gospel with each person and counseling them.

Pray for us as we prepare to receive and serve the people.

We will be posting daily updates on our Facebook page (Nuwagaba’s in Uganda) and on our Instagram (TendoBibleCamp).

Youth Camp

Youth Bible Camp
15th – 20th , August 2022
The Armor of God

Second Term Break is here. Kids and youth are home for a month! Camp is coming! Over 200+ students ages 5 to 17 will be coming each day.

Our theme: The Armor of God from Ephesians 6:12-18!

Guest Speaker: Pastor Zeddie Muzungu, from Calvary Chapel Kampala

Pray for us as we continue to prepare! Pray for the student’s lives to be transformed by the preaching of the Word. For decisions to be made for Christ.


Pray with US

We covet your prayers as we proclaim the Gospel to this community! Pray that we will be bold in speaking the truth and will have wisdom in discipling each person that God leads our way!