End Of Year Christmas Party

On Wednesday December 20th, Tendo Bible Camp was able to hold its 3 annual End of Year/Christmas celebration. It is during this time that we get to celebrate all that the Lord has done through the various discipleship programs and camps here at Tendo in Namayumba. The turnup was overwhelming with over 400 children and youth in attendance this year. With the help of our team and 15 volunteers’ children and youth had a wonderful time. The grounds were filled with laughter and rejoicing as the day was filled with various activities which included football (soccer), volleyball, board games, face painting, music and drama.

Through the generous gifts of our partners, we were able to have a table filled with food, where everyone was able to have enough to eat and drink.

Amongst all of the festivities and food, there was a time of praise and worship to the Lord and the gospel was presented. It was a beautiful day of rejoicing.

On Friday, December 22nd, our team from Tendo Bible Camp were able to take 80 of our young adults from the Sunday Fellowship to a beach in Entebbe. It has been a joy to walk with these young people this past year, seeing many of them make decisions for Christ and to watch them grow in their faith. We pray that the Lord will give us more time and opportunities in the New Year to continue to have an impact in their lives for Christ.

We are so thankful for all of our partners who have supported us this year! It is because of your generosity and faithful partnership that we have been able to have an amazing year and eternal impact in the lives of these young people. We look forward to what the Lord will be doing in 2024!

To God be the glory!