Why Uganda?

Why leave America to live in Uganda?

Walking the path to our new facilities in Namayumba.

Why leave a place of comfort and abundance to live in a place of poverty and pain? For many Ugandans the idea of going to any Western country like America or the Uk for work or school would be like winning the lottery. They see what is portrayed on the TV about Americans and those from other Western countries, being rich and having all the comforts that this life offers – and they want it badly. Often times it is hard for them to see the realities that people in those countries also have struggles. So, when they see us moving back to Uganda, they wonder why? What are we thinking, especially Denny, who grew up in Uganda and moved to the US, what would cause him to want to come back?

God is Sovereign Over Our Lives
Recently, I had such a conversation with a lady in Namayumba. She was interested knowing all about what the States were like – the food, the weather, if we had farms and cows. She was thrilled to learn that my grandpa was a farmer and had cows -she thought it was the most amazing thing. She went on to ask about the jobs available and if it would be worth trying to go so, she could send money back to her family. (It is extremely expensive and nearly impossible for a Ugandan to obtain a visa to the US – only about 40% of all who apply get approved).

My answer to her and others who ask is always to look to God and trust Him. God is sovereign over all of our lives. He is the one who ordains where people are born and the time period in which we live. He has a reason for one to be born American and another to be born Ugandan. He knows the pains and struggles that each one of us face and it is His desire for each one of us to trust in Him to be our everything – provider, healer, sustainer of life, etc. It is important that whatever state we find ourselves in whether rich or poor, in good health or bad our hope to be the Lord.  Maybe God will allow you to go to the USA one day but know that there is more to life than having lots of money, big houses, and fancy things. Yes, you want to be able to provide for your family, you want greater opportunities for education and better health care – but know that God knows you and he loves you – He will provide for you whether he allows you to go to America or for you to remain in Uganda. And know that wherever God allows you to be and whatever He entrust to you, He requires you to be faithful.

Our Eyes Are on Eternityyouth-uganda

After asking whether she should go to America, she then asked me what I loved about Uganda and why I would choose to live here? And why would my husband after having reached America would come back?
There is so much that we love about Uganda. Yes, there is poverty and hardships – not as many comforts like in the US – but where Uganda lacks, she makes up in abundance in other ways. I love that people here still have time for life – for family and friends – people are willing to go out of their way to help others. I love the beauty in God’s creation. There is so much to love about Uganda.

For us it is simple – this is where God has called us to live – to serve Him, to preach the Gospel and disciples others in Christ. We have come to the point in our lives where we recognize that there is more to this life than having lots of money, big houses and the latest things – which are not bad in themselves – but our eyes are on eternity. We could stay in America and “chase after money” and live a “comfortable” life (let’s be honest – the struggle is real no matter where we live – we all have bills to pay, mouths to feed, struggles and pains of this life), but we know that those will soon fade away and all that will remain is what is done for Christ. Our hope is in found in Christ alone!  As Paul wrote to the Corinthians “that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.”  And to the Philippians he wrote “I count everything else as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord” and that he was “forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Our prize is Christ. Our reward is in heaven – where no moth or rust can destroy!

Be Faithful Wherever God Has You

Ugandan Child read Bible
Studying the Bible

Wherever the Lord has you – whether in America or in Uganda or any other part of the world – may your eyes and your heart remain steadfast on the prize – Christ! It is easy to get tangled up in the things of this world – the struggles of life can easily lead us astray – but know that God loves you and cares for you – His only desire is for you to turn to Him and trust Him, believe that He is your all in all!