August Trip and Fall Activities

nuwagaba to Uganda

The August Mission Trip to Uganda

August 23rd through the 26th Ron and I had an opportunity to travel to Uganda. On Friday, we join a medical team with WOL-Uganda, led by Jack Sorg, for the day. They held a week long medical clinic in a small village of Kigo, just outside the capital Kampala. While in the village we had the opportunity to speak with pastor Dick Rwegaba.

 We had a great discussion on how the gospel is having a great impact in this humble community. Among other topics we discussed on further partnership to solidify the gospel and open the eyes of many Ugandan communities that have been taken advantage of by the false gospels.

Health care still stands as a luxurious issue in many, if not most communities in Uganda, since there are not many health facilities in these communities and its high price associated with it. It’s therefore a major challenge for the locals to access health care. And the medical outreach does just that, free medical checkups and free medicines which brings people to hear the gospel.

The following two days, we headed out to another community in Namayumba in Wakiso district northwest Uganda, about an hour drive out Kampala.

 There we had fellowship with local pastors in the area encouraging them in the walk of leadership and preaching the right gospel. A great deal is preaching a prosperity gospel to these local pastors which is so far away form the truth of the gospel that we preach.

It is tough and challenging being called to minister in these community even so being a pastor since these communities are ravaged in poverty and illiteracy, and that comes with in-accuracy of the scriptures.

 We spent time encouraging and fellowshipping with the pastors with whom we have developed a relationship with for some time now. Our goal is to bring a biblical education to these local pastors because they have a great desire to serve. There is over 50,000 thousand people in this small village and not much churches in the area.

  1. That a bible teaching school will be established in this community particularly to bring a bible education to these local pastors. The closest bible institutes are miles away or located in the capital.
  2. To reach this humble community with the true gospel, undoing the fake gospel which is totally misleading. Our desire is for every household to be reached with the gospel of Christ.
  3. To initiate personal skills that will in future help fight poverty in these communities.
  4. We pray that God will bring along more missionaries to these communities.

We are thankful to God for the continued support we have got from all of you who have supported us all the way. I always thank God for your generosity and can’t wait to see what God will do as we continue to be faithful to this call.

Striving Together,
Denny & Cassie

$350/month to go to meet $500/month match-gift!

We praise the Lord for His glorious salvation! Thank you for your prayers regarding our time at The Roots of Faith training. We had two wonderful weeks filled with learning and fellowshipping with other believers!

 It was amazing to walk through the Bible from Genesis to Revelations, in chronological order, seeing God’s redemptive plan for man!

This has given us a renewed vision and desire to share the message of Jesus Christ with all those we come into contact with! We serve a faithful God, who always keeps His promises!

The week prior to leaving, Denny was contacted by a lady from our sending church, regarding a young man named, Paci, from the DR Congo, who is staying with her sister. 

He came to USA alone, no family, about two years ago as a refugee. Our friend’s sister is a teacher at the school that Paci is attending, and through some connecting, Paci came to live with her and her husband. Soon after coming to live with them, they found out that he has Stage 4 cancer.

 Our friend contacted us, to see if we could go and encourage him, as he has given up and is no longer doing treatment. We are thankful the Lord has allowed us to meet Paci, and we pray that He will allow us to be an encouragement to him in his last days.

 It is very sobering to think about how much this young guy has been through in his life. We pray that the Lord will grant him peace and comfort. 

We are etching closer to reaching our goal of raising the $500/month match gift. In the last month, we were able to raise $150/month of it.

 As we have had one couple commit $100/month and we have a had new partner join at $50/month. We are remaining with $350 to raise to meet this challenge! This coming month of July, we are praying and seeking for 4 new partners @ $25/month

As a reminder, we have been given a GENEROUS offer from a partner, who is willing to invest $500/month for 3 years, if we raise $500/month first. 

Think of it as a double investment – for every dollar given – they will give a dollar! Each dollar given goes to reaching communities in Uganda with the Gospel and Plant Churches. 

What does that look like broken down:

1 partners @ $100/month
3 partners @ $50/month
4 partners @ $25/month

But, ANY amount given will be appreciated! 

Our goal is to have the $500 raised by December. After the $500 is raised, we will be down to needing $825/month by May! We will be updating weekly, as we see the LORD bring in the support needed! 

Thank you for keeping us in your prayers and for standing with us in support. The Gospel ministry is indeed the work of the Body of Christ. Thank you for helping us to be the feet! 

Striving Together,
Denny & Cassie 
Gift cards

Prayer Request:
1. Denny as he goes through his classes. 
2. Opportunities to Share in Churches – We will be @ 3 different Mission Conferences in the Fall
3. 8 More Churches to Join our Sending Team 
3. Open doors to share Christ with Neighbors & Co-workers
5. Raise $500 Match Gift By December!  
6. Denny’s trip to Uganda in August
7. Pasi – a 14 year old refugee from the DRC – Congo, he came to USA alone (no family) about two years ago, he is in last days of stage four cancer. Please for peace and comfort. 

*finished Roots of Faith. Asher & Korbyn did alright in the nursery! 
*new partners 

Happy Spring!

Blue screen of Death!

We apologize for not getting our March Newsletter out. I sat down to type it up – had it all planned out – started typing – then the computer started to run slowly, and then came the dreaded the blue screen – “there was an error while loading your computer.” Not  what I was planning on, but we are thankful that we were able to get it replaced.

Since March, we have continued to reach out to more churches. We are excited that we will be attending a missions conference in October with a church that we have previously visited! Also, we have some more appointments set up to meet with a few different pastors and church leaders. 

We are thankful for these opportunities to share the work that the Lord has laid upon our hearts and also the opportunity to encourage these pastors with their involvement in world missions. 
Recently, I have been thinking about the responsibilities and the important role that missionaries play in the local and the global church. We are called by God sent by the local church to serve the global church. We are privileged to represent the Lord and His work to the nations.

We are still trusting the Lord to bring us to the 50% of committed monthly support by June 24th! Pray that the Lord will provide the $1812 which will cover our housing! 

“The Roots of Faith: Old Testament & New Testament” course at ABWE HQ in June.  

Denny is planning to travel to Uganda in August, with our Field Director and a medical missions team.  Please pray that all the details will come together. 

2 different Missions conferences – one in September and another one in October

Thank you for you constant love and prayers,


Striving Together,
Denny & Cassie Nuwagaba 

Prayer Request:
1. Denny as he goes through his classes. 
2. Opportunities to Share in Churches 
3. 8 More Churches to Join our Sending Team 
3. Open doors to share Christ with Neighbors & Co-workers
4. Reach 50% by January  – We are currently @ 21% – we are praying to raise the $1812  monthly support  by June 24th, so that we can attend the required training in July.  
5. We have been given an opportunity to reach out to the African community here in Grand Rapids. Pray that we will be a blessing to these people and that we will speak boldly the Gospel! 
6. Denny’s trip to Uganda in AugustSlowly but surely our home and compound are coming together. While we wait for our kitchen to be installed, we have been enjoying our meals with Yaya and Papa, which has been helpful for the boys to adjust to the Ugandan cuisine. 

Double Your Gift 💲

We have been praying and talking about how we can move forward in our ministry. And we have have been talking with our Field Director about how we can get on the field in Uganda sooner. We have been given the permission to return to Uganda for 2 years. 

This will help in our long-term goal, by allowing us to reconnect with our current ministry – in Uganda and allow us to have experience on the field. Our target date to be in Uganda is May 2020. We will be beginning our work in the Wakiso District – which is just outside of Kampala. We will be working in communities – sharing the Gospel, discipling believers, helping local pastors and planting churches.

In order to go, we have to raise the remaining $1825/monthly support. We have been given a GENEROUS offer from a partner, who is willing to invest $500/month for 3 years, if we raise $500/month first. Think of it as a double investment – for every dollar given – they will give a dollar! Each dollar given goes to reaching communities in Uganda with the Gospel and Plant Churches.

What does that look like broken down:

2 partners @ $100/month
4 partners @ $50/month
4 partners @ $25/month

But, ANY amount given will be apperciated!

Our goal is to have the $500 raised by December. After the $500 is raised, we will be down to needing $825/month by May! We will be updating weekly, as we see the LORD bring in the support needed!

Thank you for keeping us in your prayers and for standing with us in support. The Gospel ministry is indeed the work of the Body of Christ. Thank you for helping us to be the feet!

Striving Together,
Denny & Cassie

Gift cards

Prayer Request:
1. Denny as he goes through his classes. 
2. Opportunities to Share in Churches – We will be @ 3 different Mission Conferences in the Fall
3. 8 More Churches to Join our Sending Team 
3. Open doors to share Christ with Neighbors & Co-workers
4. Reach 50% by June  – We are currently @ 21% – we are praying to raise the $1812  monthly support  by June 24th, so that we can attend the required training in July.  
5. Raise $500 Match Gift By December! 
6. Travel in PA at the end of June for Roots of Faith training 
6. Denny’s trip to Uganda in August 

 I completely forgot to mention in our last newsletter, that the LORD provided a van for us through some dear friends!! We praise the Lord for answered prayers! 

Living A Life of Praise to the Lor d

“Praise the LORD!
Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens!
Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness!
Praise him with trumpet sound;
praise him with lute and harp!
Praise him with tambourine and dance;
praise him with strings and pipe!
Praise him with sounding cymbals;
praise him with loud clashing cymbals!
Let everything that has breath praise the LORD!
Praise the LORD!

Psalm 150

When a life is transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the only reasonable response is to live their life in praise and worship to the LORD. As we preach the gospel and disciple the students that the Lord has entrusted to us, it is our desire that they would live for the glory of the Lord. 
Over the last few months, we have seen the Lord working amongst the students. When the students were returning to school, one of the young ladies did not want to return to school because it meant she had to cut her hair.  Schools here require girls to keep their hair short for hygiene purposes. She told her mom that she would not go. During one of the lessons, the Spirit convicted her and she went home to tell her mom sorry, that she would cut her hair and return to school.
On another occasion, as Denny was nearing the end of the Story of Hope, 5 of the students made a faith responds and gave their lives to Christ! We praise the Lord for their salvation! 


Saturday Youth Fellowship
Denny has been faithfully going through the Story of Hope with the older students each Saturday and is coming to the end of the study – we praise the Lord for those who have already made decisions for Christ. After the Story of Hope is finished- He will begin The Way to Joy, which is the companion/follow-up study to the Story of Hope. The Way to Joy is an introduction to discipleship. 

Bible Clubs/Chapel
On Wednesday afternoon’s and Saturday’s after the Youth Fellowship, Denny and Ivan have been going to a chapel/Bible Club at a primary school in Namayumba. Every time they arrive at the school the students are anxiously waiting for them at the gate. 

Pastor Patrick – The Way to Joy in Luganda 
Pastor Patrick has been leading a small group of Pastors and church leaders through The Way of Joy in Luganda. They have been meeting once a week for the last 4 weeks and the response has been great. These Pastors and leaders are so grateful to be receiving this training and resource that they can then take to their own people. 

Praise & Prayer Request

Tendo Bible Camp

We will be hosting our first ever Bible camp in the village of Namayumba, April 25th – 30th. It is a non residential, week-long camp. We are anticipating on having over 200 youth, ranging in ages between 5 – 20 years old. It will be a week filled with fun games, great food and exciting guest speakers. The most exciting part is the Word of God that will be preached everyday. Please pray with us for the hearts of the students to be open to receiving the Gospel and that many will make decisions for Christ. And pray for us and the local churches that they will be sent to, to be discipled following camp. 
Tendo Bible Camp


Visiting Local Churches – Denny, Ivan and Pastor Patrick will be visiting a few of the other local churches in the area.

Short-term Trips 
We have a few short-term teams coming. 
A team coming from Gowen Bible Church – June 17th-21st
A medical team coming in August and a church from South Florida coming in September. 


“In everything give thanks;
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you”
– 1 Thessalonians 5:18    

  It was our honor to host our family Thanksgiving again this year! We enjoy opening our home to our family and friends. As I was going through the kitchen preparing the turkey and sweet potatoes, the Lord laid it upon my heart all the different people He has brought into our lives throughout the years.  People have given us plates and spoons, cutting boards and cookbooks, all which I used to help put together this meal. I began thinking how it isn’t the gift or stuff given that makes us blessed, but the people who gave the gift. Our home would not be complete without the additions given by these dear people. 
       With thanksgiving in our hearts, we are truly grateful for our partners in the ministry who give sacrificially each month, so that we are able to carry the Gospel of Christ to Uganda. As Paul wrote, “Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account. But I have all, and abound: I am full, having received of Epaphroditus the things which were sent from you, an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, well-pleasing to God. But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”
Your sacrificial giving is an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, well-pleasing to God. We are thankful for you! 

Striving together,
Denny & Cassie

Church Partner Development: Last week, we were contacted by a church we visited this past spring letting us know that they are voting to support us! We praise the Lord for this new partnership! We will be traveling back to the church in January for a visit!

Prayer Request:
1. Family Vehicle Needed – Our current car is aging and we need more space for traveling. 
2. Opportunities to Share in Churches – We have a couple of churches that we are lining up for the New Year. 
3. Open doors to share Christ with Neighbors & Co-workers
4. Reach 50% by January  – We are currently @ about 21% unofficially, we have a couple of new partners that we are waiting to confirm. 
5. We have been given an opportunity to reach out to the African community here in Grand Rapids. Pray that we will be a blessing to these people and that we will speak boldly the Gospel!