Medical Missions & Youth Camp


We have a busy but exciting month ahead of us, as we have two weeks of outreaches planned for the community. Over the last month, we have been moving up and down getting things prepared. We are pumped to see all that the Lord does over the next few weeks for His kingdom and for these communities!

Medical Camp

Our goal is to tell the community about Christ. Many of the people in these communities live in extreme poverty and can’t afford to go to the hospital or visit a local clinic, so they will often go without treatment for simple things, such as colds, or cuts – but with the poor conditions and poor access to clean water, minor illnesses and cuts can often turn into more serious conditions. One of the ways that we can connect with the community and open doors to share the Gospel is by meeting their physical needs. We see that even in Jesus’ earthly ministry, when He and his disciples went from villages to villages preaching the Kingdom of God, they would heal the people, or he would feed them and then share His message with them.

Our first outreach this month is a medical camp. We have invited the community and 4 other villages for a free medical checkup. Over 1000+ people are expected to turn up. And everyone who does come will personally hear the Good News of the Gospel.

A team of 9, including two doctors, are coming from the USA to work along side of a local doctor and his nurses to treat the patients. The others on the team and a few local churches and their pastors, will be assisting with sharing the Gospel with each person and counseling them.

Pray for us as we prepare to receive and serve the people.

We will be posting daily updates on our Facebook page (Nuwagaba’s in Uganda) and on our Instagram (TendoBibleCamp).

Youth Camp

Youth Bible Camp
15th – 20th , August 2022
The Armor of God

Second Term Break is here. Kids and youth are home for a month! Camp is coming! Over 200+ students ages 5 to 17 will be coming each day.

Our theme: The Armor of God from Ephesians 6:12-18!

Guest Speaker: Pastor Zeddie Muzungu, from Calvary Chapel Kampala

Pray for us as we continue to prepare! Pray for the student’s lives to be transformed by the preaching of the Word. For decisions to be made for Christ.


Pray with US

We covet your prayers as we proclaim the Gospel to this community! Pray that we will be bold in speaking the truth and will have wisdom in discipling each person that God leads our way!


Praise the Lord

“I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high.” Psalm 7:17

As we approach the end of the year, we give glory to the Lord for all that He has done over the previous months. He is indeed faithful to those whom He has called – to work in us and through us, for His own glory.

We give God the glory for the way He has allowed the community in Namayumba to receive us and His message. We are encouraged by the local Pastors’ who have been encouraged and strengthen to serve their people with the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.

In October, we began going through the Story of Hope with the students on Tuesday’s. It is an evangelistic tool that walks through the Bible from Genesis to Revelations – revealing the redemption story – one event at a time. We are praying that many of the students will trust and believe in Christ. Pray with us as the majority of the students that attend are unchurched- with several of them being Muslim and a few Roman Catholics. We have one student that is a Muslim, yet she is the most active in the study – reading the Bible and answering the questions. Pray with us that her heart will be opened to the truth and that she will put her trust in the Lord and that her family may be reached as well.
In September, we put the request out to raise $500 to purchase Bibles for the teens. We are thankful for those who gave as we were able to purchase and distribute the Bibles to the teens. They were so happy and excited to receive the Word of God.
Each week we see an increase of students. They are always inviting their friends and have started to bring their younger siblings. Because COVID restrictions have been reduced and we are able to meet in larger numbers while following SOP’s, we have allowed the younger kids to come and have their own lesson.

We praise the Lord for the open doors to share Christ with the little ones.
As previously mentioned schools here have been closed pretty much since the beginning of the pandemic, back in April of 2020. According to a news article, Uganda students have missed more school than any other country in the world. But Lord willingly, schools will reopen with the new term in January. It will be a messy transition for both teachers and students. Many of the older students will not return, as they have found ways of making money and many of the young girls have become mothers. But, with the opening of the schools, we will be shifting our Tuesday fellowship to Saturdays, which means that the grounds where we have been meeting will not be consistently available. Plus with the added number of students the grounds are becoming too small.
Denny took some time to look around the community to find a new and more permanent place for us to meet. And praise the Lord, we have found some land available in the community that we will be able to utilize for the ministry.
It was previously a banana plantation. For the place to be functional for the ministry, we need to build a bathroom, a kitchen with a shed and then a shelter for a meeting place. We are praying to have the place functioning in January when we shift the youth ministry to Saturdays. This piece of land will also open up other opportunities to serve the community, to train pastors and leaders.

We praise the Lord for all that He has done this year and we look forward to seeing what He will continue to do in the new year. Over the next few weeks, we are planning out the coming year. Pray with us for wisdom and direction, as we have many opportunities to share Christ with those around us.

A few things that we are planning:

  • Leader’s training – involving/training leaders from the local churches to be active in the ministry. Denny will be having monthly meetings/trainings.
  • Children’s Christmas program – at Victory Community Church – we have been practicing a few songs with the children to share with the church in December
  • 14th December – we are taking the Youth from Namayumba to a Recreational center for a small Christmas party
  • 3rd -12th January – we have a small team of friends coming to serve and help build a few things for the ministry.
  • women’s ministry
  • Pastor Trainings
  • we also have some opportunities for some short-term teams to come between June & September

Thank you for standing with us and striving with us in the ministry,

Denny, Cassie
Asher, Korbyn, Jaden and Baby Boy

tendo camp

Churches reopened in October 
We found a ministry Van – this will help us transport volunteers we have from Kampala to Namayumba 
Available land to develop for the ministry 
Youth Fellowship Continues to Grow 

Prayer Request:
1.  Schools to reopen in January 2022
2. Youth Ministry in Namayumba Village Tuesday – Evangelism and Discipleship
3. Developing ministry opportunities and community outreach in Namayumba Village 
4. Cassie Healthy Pregnancy and Baby – Due December 28th, 2021
5. Health for Asher, Korbyn & Jaden as they continue to get colds/fevers