Year End 2022

Celebrate What the Lord has done with Us!

Here we are at the end of 2022! How fast the year has passed by!

We are humbled by all that the Lord has allowed us to accomplish over this past year at Tendo Bible Camp in Namayumba, Uganda! We have seen the Lord at work in this community!

We would like to use this newsletter to highlight some of those things which the Lord has allowed us to be apart of. And we would like to say THANK YOU – to you, who have stood with us in prayer and who have given generiously and sacrificially to help this ministry continue.

We are only able to do what God has called us to do, because of your support! God is you using your prayers and support to bring the Gospel to Namayumba.

Let us celebrate together what the Lord is doing!

Stories of Changed Lives

Ibra Ntale Muwanguzi 6 years old, nothing out of the ordinary he is just a happy little boy who lives with his grandma. Doesn’t go to school because of life challenges, both parents abandoned him. Most kids laugh at him because he doesn’t take showers; true but you see he only has his grandma and he does all the chores, including fetching water from a nearby borehole. Every Saturday he is the first one to arrive most times by 6am, (program begins at 10:30am). His teachers love him because he is very active during Bible hour, very active in other activities like washing dishes and playing! Ibra has many life challenges but when he comes to Tendo Bible Camp each Saturday, he finds a place where there is hope through the love of God. He finds a place where he is accepted and loved.

Susan 14 – was invited to come to Tendo Bible Camp by a neighbor lady who was digging in her family garden. Susan has also been left in the care of her grandmother along with her siblings. Her mother has gone abroad to work, and her father is nowhere to be seen. Susan is a young believer who desires to grow in her walk with the Lord. Through the Bible Studies, Susan has been encouraged to stand firm in her faith at the catholic school she attends. One Saturday, she told me that she asked her grandmother to send her to another school, because she did not like how they make her practice their religion. She also told me that she has been encouraged not to participate in some of the things her school friends were doing because of her faith in the Lord!

Salvation & Commitment to the LORD.
Through the camps, weekly fellowships and different bibles studies throughout this year, we have witness over 100 young people make salvation decisions for Christ. And each week, we see many young people make personal decisions to commit their lives to the Lord. Although, we won’t know for sure until we reach heaven all the lives that have been impacted with the Gospel, it is a blessing to be able to see a small piece of the fruit that is being produced for the kingdom of God. Thank you for being a part of their journey.
Bible People
Through your giving, the Lord has allowed us to establish Tendo Bible Camp in the community of Namayumba! People in the community know that we are the Bible people, that when they send their children to us or when we go out to visit in the community that we will teaching the Bible. This is just the beginning of what the Lord is doing in this community! Thank you for being a part of bring the Word of God to this community. Lives are being changed. Over the last several months, we have seen an increase of the number of muslim kids who are coming to our Saturday programs. Oftentimes, their parents will tell them to come and eat the food, but don’t accept their Jesus, but we are beginning to see some of them make decisions for Christ. Please pray for these kids as many will face persecution and trials at home when they begin letting their families know they have accepted Christ. Also, pray with us as we disciple them.


  • Permanent meeting place.
  • Construction of facilities.
  • 150-200 Youth ages – 5-20 Every Saturday – reached with the Gospel.
  • Weekly Bible Studies.
  • Weekly Bible Club at a local school.
  • Pastoral Trainings.
  • April – Camp – 200 Students each day
  • August – Camp – 200 Students each day.
  • Seeds of the Gospel planted.
  • 100- Salvation Decisions made for Christ.
  • 52 Verses Memorized for the kids ages 7-11.
  • Finished the Story of Hope & Way to Joy with Older Kids.
  • Began Monthly Sunday Fellowship for 16+.
  • End of Year Celebration.
  • Church Visitation.
  • Extension of Saturday program in Busuju with Pastor Jumba.
  • Community Health Outreach.

These are just a few…

Looking Forward to 2023


  • Saturday Youth Fellowship resumes 7th of Jan.
  • Sunday Monthly Fellowship 29th Jan.
  • Youth Camp 16th-21st – We have a team of 6 coming from the USA to help run the camp! Theme is Faithfulness.
  • Cassie’s family – parents and two sisters will be coming for a visit the last 2 weeks of January.
Camps – January – April/May – August.
Travel to USA – June * We will be traveling to the USA in June for furlough. Pray with us as we begin to plan our time there. For opportunities to share with individuals and churches. Pray for wisdom as we seek the Lord’s guidance in the way forward.
Thank you for standing with us in Prayer & Support! We wish you a Happy New Year!! May the Lord bless you and keep you.

Striving together,
Denny, Cassie 
Asher, Korbyn, Jaden, & Rhys 