“I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high.”
Psalm 7:17

At the beginning of the lockdown, the hospitals were packed with people and numbers of COVID patients were high, but by the end of the lockdown numbers had reduced greatly. 

Some restrictions have lifted, but a few remain in place – including gathering sizes, churches and schools remain closed, there is a limit of 3 people in personal cars, plus mask are required in public places.

We thank the Lord for keeping us healthy during this whole time.

Although the lockdowns have been used to stop the spread of the virus, they had been very stressful upon families and individuals, as many were not able to work and provide for their families.

All public and private vehicles were not allowed to operate, leaving families with limited ways to get to work.

Also, the educational system had been put on hold for 2 years, they did open a few levels back at the beginning of the year, but closed again with the lockdown. 

Unless, parents had a way for their children to do online school or homeschool to keep up with their studies, kids here are 2 years behind in their studies. 

Those who were supposed to graduate have been put on hold, many finding ways to make money and now won’t return to finish. There has been an increase in teen pregnancy.  Lord willingly, they will open schools soon. 

leadership camp

Prayer Request:
1. Churches and Schools to reopen
2. Youth Ministry in Namayumba Village Tuesday – Evangelism and Discipleship
3. Developing ministry opportunities and community outreach in Namayumba Village
4.Healthy Pregnancy and Baby – Due December 30th, 2021
5. Asher & Korbyn school
6. Visas/Immigration – We are still working on our immigration statues, we submitted our information in Mid August and we still have not receive any information back.

Starting Youth ministry in Namayumba Village
New baby in December