In September 2021, the Lord provided Tendo Bible Camp with a piece of land in the heart of Namayumba, which was formerly a banana planation. Once the land was purchased, we went forward in making it useful for the ministry. With the help of our friends from GR.Church in Grand Rapids, MI we were able to put up a meeting hall, a small kitchen & storage room, and toilets.

Fallen & Rebuilt

February 2024 – The winds and the rains blew, and our temporary meeting structure fell down. Thankfully it happened at night when nobody, but the grounds keeper was around, and nobody was injured! Prior to it falling down, Denny was already looking into the cost of making it more secure and even expanding it to make it larger for the number of campers we get. After Denny shared with a guy from one of our supporting churches what had happened, this man anonymously gave the amount needed in order to rebuild the meeting hall. With his sacrificial gift we were able to reconstruct the building with cement beams, added a new roof, a stage area and to expand the hall. This coming January, we have another friend who is planning to come to help install all the electrical work, so that it is prepared for when we have electricity.

Water & Electricity

Being out in the village, far enough away from the main city, we ran into main problems – 1. No running water and 2. no electricity. We began praying for the Lord to provide us with both as it was extremely expensive to keep hauling in water for each Saturday and every camp.

Running Water

In May 2023, the Lord provided us with a Well through the generous giving of several different individuals. The drilling truck was brought in, they went down 85 meters deep and we have water! Praise the Lord! And because it is our own well, the water is clean and drinkable!

We still need to construct a tower for the tanks to sit on and to make it more functional, but we praise the Lord for clean, running water. This water is a huge blessing for this community, as this area is a very dry area!

Electricity – Still in the Dark

We are still currently off the grid and without electricity. The nearest transformer is located on the property of a politician who does not want anyone tapping into his supply, so the people in the area suffer by remaining in the dark. We are praying for the Lord to provide the provisions for us to be able to put up our own transformer and get connected to the power grid. This would open so many doors for the gospel to go out in this community. Would you pray for the Lord to provide us with electricity.