Our May Bible Camp was incredible! Campers showed up full of energy all week and God’s Word was taught each day! We had a wonderful week learning what the Bible has to say about Creation. We are grateful for the exceptional team that the Lord brought together to serve the children and teenagers this week. Reverend Nelson Kibaya guided the teens, while teacher Mary led the younger kids. Derrick excelled in leading the singing. Our gratitude extends to all the leaders and volunteers at Tendo, who make these Bible week camps appear so seamlessly easy. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who continues to pray for and support our ministry.

Here are some photos and updates about each day during the week.

Day 1

Camp has begun! We are so thankful for this week of Camp! Our campers ages from as young as 3 years old all the way up to 20 years old, and often times we have even older as some of the parents like to come and participate in learning and fun.

Day 2 –

On day 2, we had more than 300 campers registered and the energy at camp was through the roof! We continued with our theme of Creation, looking specifically at the angelic beings. This is a very sensitive topic here especially because our community is predominantly witchcraft backgrounds and also the charismatic churches around make understanding this topic more difficult. The campers had many questions, and we are thankful to Rev. Nelson, who faithfully used Scripture to answer their questions.

A few weeks prior to camp beginning, “red eyes” disease (pink eye) broke out in the country, and we were praying that it would not affect any of the kids coming to camp, but sadly we did have some kids with the disease that we had to take them back to their homes so that it would not spread to the rest of the kids.

Something special this week is how our big boys, who are usually evidently showing disinterest in the lessons and teaching, are very attentive and asking very fundamental questions as the bible lesson is taught…. Our hearts are full, and we can’t wait for what the Lord has in store for us tomorrow….

“How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?” – Romans 10:14 KJV


Days 3 & 4

Wooooow day 4 done and dusted….. Everyday comes with special blessings and we are always amazed at what God is doing in the lives of our campers and staff. Today was amazing. We enjoyed every bit of it… From the games, to the singing and the lesson, not forgetting the food. One of the best moments at camp that campers and staff look forward to is the theme song…. Today the energy was different at the time of singing the theme song that we had to do it again and also do it at the closing time. The campers have got it now with all the actions and it’s so much fun. The lesson today was on the creation of Man as God’s special creation. With this kind of community, it’s very important to emphasize to our campers how special they are and that they are loved by God. It was an awesome lesson today and we give glory to God.

A number of our campers had contracted “red eyes” and a number of them were missing from camp since we had asked them not to come if they were infected.

Day 5 – In Pictures

Day 6 – Final Day of Camp!

Last day! Then came the last day of our camp this holiday. What an amazingly action-packed week it has been. We praise the Lord for a fruitful ministry this past week. Today we more than 330 campers. The last day of camp is my favorite… We get to witness the campers respond to the gospel message. Today we had over 60 campers trust Christ for salvation…. Praise the Lord indeed…. This is why we do what we do and it brings so much joy to all of us here when God draws these little souls to Himself. We also had an award ceremony to reward the campers that were extra ordinary in different aspects during the camp week. We praise God for an exciting week and we thank all our partners for all your support…. My heart is full…. And to God alone be the glory.