We have been praying and talking about how we can move forward in our ministry. And we have have been talking with our Field Director about how we can get on the field in Uganda sooner. We have been given the permission to return to Uganda for 2 years. 

This will help in our long-term goal, by allowing us to reconnect with our current ministry – in Uganda and allow us to have experience on the field. Our target date to be in Uganda is May 2020. We will be beginning our work in the Wakiso District – which is just outside of Kampala. We will be working in communities – sharing the Gospel, discipling believers, helping local pastors and planting churches.

In order to go, we have to raise the remaining $1825/monthly support. We have been given a GENEROUS offer from a partner, who is willing to invest $500/month for 3 years, if we raise $500/month first. Think of it as a double investment – for every dollar given – they will give a dollar! Each dollar given goes to reaching communities in Uganda with the Gospel and Plant Churches.

What does that look like broken down:

2 partners @ $100/month
4 partners @ $50/month
4 partners @ $25/month

But, ANY amount given will be apperciated!

Our goal is to have the $500 raised by December. After the $500 is raised, we will be down to needing $825/month by May! We will be updating weekly, as we see the LORD bring in the support needed!

Thank you for keeping us in your prayers and for standing with us in support. The Gospel ministry is indeed the work of the Body of Christ. Thank you for helping us to be the feet!

Striving Together,
Denny & Cassie

Gift cards

Prayer Request:
1. Denny as he goes through his classes. 
2. Opportunities to Share in Churches – We will be @ 3 different Mission Conferences in the Fall
3. 8 More Churches to Join our Sending Team 
3. Open doors to share Christ with Neighbors & Co-workers
4. Reach 50% by June  – We are currently @ 21% – we are praying to raise the $1812  monthly support  by June 24th, so that we can attend the required training in July.  
5. Raise $500 Match Gift By December! 
6. Travel in PA at the end of June for Roots of Faith training 
6. Denny’s trip to Uganda in August 

 I completely forgot to mention in our last newsletter, that the LORD provided a van for us through some dear friends!! We praise the Lord for answered prayers!Â