Happy New Year!!

Happy New Years!!!
Here we are already halfway through the month of January of 2021! As the world around us continues to be chaotic, we keep our eyes and hearts fixed upon the Lord. We know that He is sovereign over all things! I have been slowly studying through each book of the Bible over the last few years and this year I am studying through the book of Ezekiel. I am using Warren W. Wiersbe’s book ‘Be Reverent: Bowing Before Our Awesome God” as a help. In his comments on Ezekiel 1:26-28 concerning the throne of God, which Ezekiel saw in his vision, Dr. Wiersbe made the observation that “Noah saw the rainbow after the storm (Genesis 9:13-16), the apostle John saw it before the storm (Rev. 4:3), but Ezekiel saw it over the storm and in control of the storm…. Ezekiel realized that he was beholding the glory of the Lord” (p.18). Ezekiel was able to accomplish all that the Lord called him to because he encountered the glory of the Lord. No matter what he would face, he would be empowered.
When we spend time with the Lord in His Word, we are strengthened to do what the Lord has called us to, no matter what the world around us is like. We are able to carry on because of the Hope that we have in Him!
We pray that you will find the strength to carry on in the work that the Lord has called you to, as you seek Him in His Word.
This is the year! By faith, we will be heading back to Uganda! Our goal is to be there no later than May! Please pray that we will be able to get the clearance to leave. Our home in Uganda will be complete and ready to move in by March! It is really neat to see the progression of the construction. Denny’s sister gave us a video walk thru of it and the place is just amazing! Beyond excited! This will be a huge blessing to us and those who the Lord brings to minister along side of us!
Over the next couple of months, we will be sharing more in depth details of our plans to leave. You can follow us more in our Facebook group: Nuwagaba’s in Uganda, as we will be posting more frequently to keep everyone updated and to be able to see the ministry in action.
Thank You for being a part of this ministry, reaching Ugandan’s with the Gospel.

Striving Together,
Denny & Cassie

Prayer Request:
1. Final clearance to be able to leave for Uganda by May
2. Transitioning to Uganda for Asher, Korbyn & Jaden (especially Asher as he is older and can understand).
3. Connection with local Pastors in Wakiso District