“I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high.”
Psalm 7:17

We have been here a month and a few days! We praise the Lord for His goodness and faithfulness as we continue to settle in. Our bodies are finally adjusting to the different foods and environment. 

The first couple of weeks were rough on the boys’ bodies, especially Korbyn. When one changes his diet, things begin to happen – we had a lot of running stomachs, but thankfully it all has passed. 

Also, Asher had a minor allergic reaction to something in the air, we were able to find some Benadryl type medicine that was able to help him recover quickly. Jaden has been the best to settle in.

Slowly but surely our home and compound are coming together. While we wait for our kitchen to be installed, we have been enjoying our meals with Yaya and Papa, which has been helpful for the boys to adjust to the Ugandan cuisine. 

Denny has been able to connect back up in person with Pastor Patrick, our ministry partner whom we have known since 2014.

Pastor Patrick lives and serves in Namayumba Village in Wakiso District. 
God is doing great things in this village – from a church demolished and nowhere to gather – to seeing God providing a place for the people to gather and to hear God’s Word more, because the Bible is being preached.

A lady who attends the church every Sunday told Denny that she has noticed God’s Word being preached, as in the Bible.

We are not here to change methods or programs, but for the Word of God to be preached and lives to be transformed by the hearing of the Word.

Often times in the rural villages, Pastors have not been trained and many of them do not open the Bible when they stand at the pulpit on Sundays – but they share whatever they want and often times it is leading their people astray.

 Our desire is to preach the Gospel and disciple local pastors in this village of Namayumba and the surrounding villages, so that the community may also be reached with the Gospel and be discipled.

My (Denny’s) task ahead is great, as I work on training these men and walking with them to stay on the right path of the true Gospel.

Every week, I will be setting out to meet with them. Along with training the local pastors, I (Denny) will be leading Bible Study Classes.

Please pray for me as the Lord directs my path.
Keep us in prayer as we work to proclaim the gospel in this village. We have so far seen God do great things in this village – a church plant, God is opening up more and more opportunities for the gospel to be preached.

A couple of weeks ago, I went to meet up with Pastor Patrick to discuss ministry opportunities – little did I know that he was taking me to a celebration service for a new church plant – and I was the guest speaker.

It was an honor to take part in what the Lord is doing in this community. 

 Along with helping the local pastors, we will be helping to start up small fellowships in the communities and we will be reach out to the kids each Saturday – through a small children’s club. We are excited to see the work of the Lord in this community. Lives are being changed. We praise the Lord. 

We have our plans laid out – we were to begin the children’s ministry June 19th, but the Lord had other plans for us and is giving us more time to prepare. June 7th the President of Uganda announced another 42 days lockdown. 

All schools and places of worship closed for 42 days – schools are not to open until all teachers have been vaccinated. We are not allowed to travel between districts and there is a 9pm curfew and we must wear mask in public places.

 Then on June 17th, the President made another announcement restarting the 42 days afresh with stricter restrictions. Until the end of July, we are not allowed to travel by public or private transportation. 

If we need to go anywhere, we must walk. Please pray that after these 42 days, Uganda will open up freely. In the meantime, Denny will continue to meet up with a few of our ministry partners who live close by to continue to plan for when things open up. 

Serving Him,
Denny, Cassie Nuwagaba 
Asher, Korbyn & Jaden