Blue screen of Death!

We apologize for not getting our March Newsletter out. I sat down to type it up – had it all planned out – started typing – then the computer started to run slowly, and then came the dreaded the blue screen – “there was an error while loading your computer.” Not  what I was planning on, but we are thankful that we were able to get it replaced.

Since March, we have continued to reach out to more churches. We are excited that we will be attending a missions conference in October with a church that we have previously visited! Also, we have some more appointments set up to meet with a few different pastors and church leaders. 

We are thankful for these opportunities to share the work that the Lord has laid upon our hearts and also the opportunity to encourage these pastors with their involvement in world missions. 
Recently, I have been thinking about the responsibilities and the important role that missionaries play in the local and the global church. We are called by God sent by the local church to serve the global church. We are privileged to represent the Lord and His work to the nations.

We are still trusting the Lord to bring us to the 50% of committed monthly support by June 24th! Pray that the Lord will provide the $1812 which will cover our housing! 

“The Roots of Faith: Old Testament & New Testament” course at ABWE HQ in June.  

Denny is planning to travel to Uganda in August, with our Field Director and a medical missions team.  Please pray that all the details will come together. 

2 different Missions conferences – one in September and another one in October

Thank you for you constant love and prayers,


Striving Together,
Denny & Cassie Nuwagaba 

Prayer Request:
1. Denny as he goes through his classes. 
2. Opportunities to Share in Churches 
3. 8 More Churches to Join our Sending Team 
3. Open doors to share Christ with Neighbors & Co-workers
4. Reach 50% by January  – We are currently @ 21% – we are praying to raise the $1812  monthly support  by June 24th, so that we can attend the required training in July.  
5. We have been given an opportunity to reach out to the African community here in Grand Rapids. Pray that we will be a blessing to these people and that we will speak boldly the Gospel! 
6. Denny’s trip to Uganda in AugustSlowly but surely our home and compound are coming together. While we wait for our kitchen to be installed, we have been enjoying our meals with Yaya and Papa, which has been helpful for the boys to adjust to the Ugandan cuisine.